They were alone, cut off from supplies and reinforcements, but were determined to fight as fiercely and as long as they could.
Zia ud Din Barani
Tarikh-i Firoz Shahi Hardcover – September 10, 2015. Tarikh-i Firoz Shahi is the finest specimen of Indo-Persian historiography produced during the Sultanate period in India.
The quote “<em>starving in detail for an ungrateful people who did not care what became of us</em>.” was said by a soldier known as Joseph Plumb Martin from Connecticut who wrote what they felt. The quote means that soldiers were pretty low, morals were terrible, rations were poor, and soldiers went unpaid. They also Lost their property most of the time which meant a loss of their rights.
There are a few reasons why Dwight D. Eisenhower won the election of 1952. One reason dealt with the Korean War. The Korean War had bogged down after the first nine months of fighting. Most of the...
Eisenhower didn't so much address Americans' Cold War fears as exacerbate them. And one of the ways he did this was by allowing the anti-Communist witch-hunts of Senator Joseph McCarthy to go...