The advice that Ophelia receives from her brother Laertes is extremely different from the advice her father Polonius gives her. Laertes gently reminds Ophelia that Hamlet might really love her, but since he is in line for the throne he and might not actually be able to choose his wife for himself. He warns her to keep her affection "Out of the shot and danger of desire," meaning to not give in to her desires, otherwise she might ruin herself for future potential husbands. Polonius' advice is a little bit more aggressive. He scolds Ophelia for giving Hamlet too much attention, and says that there is no way Hamlet actually loves her. He says that his vows she "<span>must not take for fire", meaning she should not take his words for true passion. The overall difference between Laertes and Polonius is that Laertes is much gentler, and believes Hamlet might actually have feelings for her right now, and Polonius is putting more blame on Ophelia, saying there is no way Hamlet actually likes her.
The first main phase of the 'Great Unrest' began with the rapid escalation of discontent in the South Wales oalfields. In this area wages were fixed not by individual or collective bargaining but by the price of coal. ... Discontent also simmered around the issue of 'small coal'.
He is constantly tormenting him and his peers, and eats obnoxiously and strange types of food in the cafeteria. He attempts to expose his families cultural background and is very rude with his friends, pulling pranks on them and saying rude or indecent things about Danny to them.
is it like this !!
when I was small I was playing with my friends in our compound then we were running suddenly broken bottle shuck my leg then I just fall on the ground and held the leg and started screaming to call the attention of my mum just immediately she hear me screaming she come and carry me then try the necessary needs to cure the wound and if she is treating the wound she will buy me (cheese ball,biscuit and sweet) for me to stop crying then I will reduce the cry.
when she is done with treating my leg,she will carry me and back me at her back
Mummy thank u very much for ur help over me.
is this how it goes?
Robin wanted to join the “gods” and live in the simulated world she helped create; ironically, the speaker, who is one of them, envies her mortality and laments the “sub- life” of the simulation.