1. habia (present tense)
2. se llemaban (they were named/ their names were)
3. era (was)
4. tenia (had)
5. era
6. tenia (had)
7. conocio (met)
8. se llamaba
9. tenia (had)
10. se llamaba (she was named/ her name was)
11. era
12. leia (read)
13. llamo (called)
14. invito (invited)
15. fueron (went)
16. miraba (watched)
17. llego (came/ arrived)
18. fueron (went)
19. conocieron (met)
20. hablaron (talked)
21. se divirtieron (they had fun)
22. estaban (Were)
23. fueron (went, on this case on a vacation)
Nosotros desmpaquetamos las cajas de mudanza cuando llegamos a nuestra nueva casa. Mi papa dice: "tú desempaquetas la caja chiquita mientras yo y tú mama hacemos las grandes."
write every vowel with the things below
every a is ah
every e is eh
every i is ee
every o is (i think o but am not sure)
every u is oo