The correct answer is A)
The Mosque of Selim II demonstrates the Sultan's ability to approve the interior organisation of a religious space.
The mosques' placement was compared by Gülru Necipoğlu, a leading Ottoman art historian, to that of a church’s altar. She stated that while the innovation on the interior disrupts the space below the dome, it indicated the Chief Architects' interest in outdoing Christian architecture.
The chief architect - Koca Mi'mâr Sinân Âğâ and also engineer provided his services to the Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, Selim II, and Murad III.
Of course, it is reasonable to expect that such a huge historically significant project will not take off without the express ratification of the Selim.
The involvement of the students in the Vietnam war support the argument that young people are strongly represented in antiwar movements.
The first rise of the student movement began in 1964 at the University of California at Berkeley restricting the political growth in campus. Soon, communities like Students for a Democratic society by University of Michigan an other communities formed the Port Huron Statement.
The involvement of the students in the Vietnam war support the argument that young people are strongly represented in antiwar movements. Communities held protests and burned crafts and slogans. There was rise of religious societies and civil rights organizations against the Vietnam war.