Should probably look this up?
If you live in the North: Fertilize your Kentucky bluegrass, bermudagrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, or fine fescue lawn with Scotts® Turf Builder® Triple Action, which tackles three important tasks with a single application.First, it will give your lawn the nutrients it needs to get thick and green this spring, helping the grass establish deep roots so it will stand up stronger to ...
Answer: Plato is an author of "dialogues" (The Republic, Laws etc etc.) where the main character is Socrates. Socrates is a philosopher who uses a special kind of dialogue (so-called dialectic dialogue or dialectic method) which leads him to the truth. In other words he follows LOGOS who leads him to uncovering the Truth.
Explanation: Greek word ALETHEIA means "disclosure" and "truth" at the same time. It means that truth is always hidden. Much older Greek philosopher (pre-Socratic) Heraclitus had a dictum: "Truth likes to hide" seems that Socrates/Plato followed this thesis.
Actually it’s a
When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun latitudes between the equator and 90n (the North Pole) are experiencing summer. At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sub and experiencing winter
3. we would not exist because we are made of material that was recycled in galaxies.
If stars are randomly distributed in space, the elements like Hydrogen, Nitrogen, etc that releases when stars are dieing will not be close enough to come together to form a planet and thus lead to the formation of life on Earth.