'Hiawatha the Unifier' is an Iroquios Legend. In the legend, Ta-ren-ya-wa-gon was an Upholder of Heaven, who woke up from a slumber after hearing the cries of humans on earth. The humankind was crying in agony, as the earth was being tormented by monsters.
<u>So, Ta-ren-ya-wa-gon descends from heaven on earth in the form of a mortal man and holds the hand of a little girl. He guides the humankind and protects them by building a long-house.</u>
So, the correct anwser is option D.
A traditional technology is technical advances upon which something else is added to expand it. For example, farmers have been using powered plows since the steam engine. However, modern technologies have built upon the basic structures, purposes, and functioning of the plow.