A. In polar ice caps
In ice caps and glaciers, over 68% of the earth's fresh water is found, and in groundwater, it is found only more than 30%. In the surface water of lakes, streams and swamps, we consider only about 0,3% of our fresh water.
I am joyous to assist you anytime.
South Africa's location makes it a key spot for renewable energy in the forms of wind, hydroelectric and solar, as it is on the peninsula of the continent it has access to many of these rich resources. There is also a great deal of industry in South Africa, particularly in the mining of metals, as one of the country's largest exports. This extraction uses huge amounts of energy in the process and most of this equipment used in the extraction pumps toxic gases and chemicals into the atmosphere, if SA uses more renewable energy sources, the levels of pollution will decrease.
The soil is poor in nutrients. basin. makes good use of the rainforest land by raising food and earning income for Brazil.
Cause they can't afford a house they don't have enough money for it hope this helps
As we celebrate the ending of the war 75 years ago, know this: victory for the Allies was never guaranteed, and historians agree there were countless ways Germany could have won the war. Defeat never came down to one battle or one campaign.