False. Old English was a synthetic language, which means that words' endings signalled grammatical order and word order was rather free. As Old English differentiated words' categories through their endings, words could be placed anywhere in a sentence and readers would know the category of the words.
Whenever you read about Latin's influence on Old English, you will find its influence on Old English vocabulary. As scribes translated Latin works into Old English, they frequently found no translation for some Latin words and, thus, they introduced new Latin ones.
Roaring Sounds and wall clouds are a good indication that a tornado is approaching.
Roaring Sounds (plural noun 1) and wall clouds ( plural noun 2)
Civil Liberties Act 1988 is a United States federal law that granted preparations to Japanese Americans who had been intended by the United States government during WORLD WAR II.
In 1988 Congress passed the Civil Liberties Act which States that a "grave injustice" had been done to Japanese Americans citizens and resident aliens during WORLD WAR II.
Congress passed the Civil Liberties Act, which awarded more Tha. 80,000 Japanese Americans /20,000 dollars each to compensate them for the ordeal they have suffered.