A) The eye colour may be controlled by one or more genes, mutation lies in two different genes and has complemented each other.
B) Parent 1: w1w1 w2+w2+ Parent 2:w1+ w1+w2w2
Gametes: w1 w2+ and w1+w2
Offspring genotype: w1 w2+ w1+ w2
This condition may be because of complementary genes. When the presence of two or more genes are required for a particular trait and the absent of one of the genes affects the character, it is referred to as complementary genes. In this condition the wild type of fly have AA/BB type of gene and expression of both gene is responsible for red coloured eyes.
a. Mutation in any of the genes, affect the accumulation of red pigment in eyes and cause the eyes to be white colored. Given that two mutants W1 and W2 have white eyes but both have mutation in different genes. Suppose W1 has mutation in AA gene(genotype aaBB )and mutant W2 has mutation in BB gene (genotype AAbb).
b. Crossing between mutants give red colour eyes fly:
Parents AAbb x aaBB
Gametes Ab aB
Progeny AaBb
That is,
Parent 1: w1w1 w2+w2+ Parent 2:w1+ w1+w2w2
Gametes: w1 w2+ and w1+w2
Offspring genotype: w1 w2+ w1+ w2
Result: progeny of mutant have both type of functional alleles (A and B), responsible for red colour of eyes. Thus the progeny will be with red colour eyes.
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar
I would say C. Why I say this is because fur is used to keep an animal warm. If the animal no longer needs to be kept warm, then it no longer needs the thick fur.
Threatened is the definition used when describing a species at risk of extinction