Answer: fine textiles, silk
During this period, they traded over long distances.
By the third century, Christianity was well established in and around Greece and the Middle East, as well as in Rome, Alexandria, Carthage and a few cities such as Lyons in the 'barbarian' western Europe.
Christianity had largely failed to penetrate Egypt outside Alexandria, or much of western Europe. Even Italy, outside the city of Rome, seems to have largely resisted Christianity. It seems that the Egyptian and Celtic religions had not entered a period of decline and scepticism in the way that the Greco-Roman religion had done. However, there was no impediment to Christians preaching in those areas, other than a lack of interest on the part of the population.
Christian tradition suggests that the Christians suffered constant harrassment and persecution by the Roman authorities. However, Euan Cameron (Interpreting Christian History: The Challenge of the Churches' Past) says, "Contrary to popular tradition, the first three centuries of Christianity were not times of steady or consistent persecution. Persecution was sporadic, intermittent, and mostly local." Edward Gibbon (The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) goes further and, on a number of occasions, praises the pagan Romans for their general tolerance towards Christianity. Widespread and persistent persecution of other faiths only really began with the Christian Empire.
There was a total of perhaps 12 years of official persecution of Christianity during nearly three hundred years in which Christianity existed in the pagan Empire. Otherwise, the Christians were largely allowed to worship as they pleased, and even to proselytise their faith, as long as they took care not to offend others or disturb the peace. This allowed Christianity to prosper and spread far and wide.
Hope this helps :)
Here is how it was explained to me. WW2 was blamed pretty much entirely in Hitler, yes obviously there were so many other factors, and decisions that made the total, destruction of everything, but everyone blames Hitler for the start of it all. In this passage though, it sounds like the blame is on the other political advisers, and his foreign minister. Like they were supposed to have pushed for more meetings, or tried to make Hitler see reason.
Hope that helps
<span><span>110 Mil BP - In Oklahoma the plant eating Tenontosaurus roamed the area along with the meat-eating Deinonychus. Fossils of both together were found in 1999. (SFC, 2/23/99, p.A4)
</span><span>110 Million - Fossils of Sauroposeidon proteles, a 60-ton, 60-foot tall dinosaur, were found in 1994 near Antlers, Okla. (SFC, 11/4/99, p.A8)</span><span>500-1300 AD - Spiro Indians, linked to the Aztecs, thrived and left burial mounds filled with exquisite artwork and clues to their way of life. A museum displaying their artifacts is near Spiro.</span><span>1012 -Viking explorers visited eastern Oklahoma and left their mark near the town of Heavener.
</span><span>AD 900-1400 - Farming and hunting people from this time in Oklahoma prehistory settled along major rivers and creeks. They planted corn, beans and squash in the fertile flood plains, hunted bison and deer, and fished and gathered mussels from the rivers. Four of these cultures have been defined in western and southern Oklahoma. Since we have no written records from this time, the names of these cultures are unknown. When early Spanish explorers came in the 1500's, they found people who called themselves the Teyas and the Escanjaques. Perhaps the people discussed here also used these names several hundred years earlier. Archeologists believe the Teyas and Escanjaques are descendants of the people discussed on these pages. They are all believed to have been Caddoan speakers.
</span><span>1540 - Hernando de Soto (1500-1542) explores Oklahoma in search of gold
</span><span>1541 - Francisco Vasquez de Coronado (1510-1554) explores Oklahoma</span></span>