An example of a command economy was the Soviet Union during the Cod War, when it had Communism as the economical system.
In Communist economies, or in command economies generally the planning is done by the government - we call it central planning (answer B)
Answer: Obviously, Luther was considered to be heretic and was summoned to defend his theses.
Explanation: Luther, "the little monk" from Germany threatened the profitable system of indulgences and the Roman Catholic Church had to respond.
Luther was subsequently called to debate high-ranking Catholic theologians, such as Cardinal Cajetan in Augsburg (1518) and Johann Eck in Leipzig (1519) and surprised everyone with his refusal to change his views.
On the contrary, Luther even expanded his critique of the church in Rome with three major pieces in 1520. In these important documents, Luther publicly questioned the infallibility and authority of the Pope, critiqued central Roman Catholic doctrines, and he defended the priesthood of all believers. Of course, the Pope was not amused. In his papal bull, Exsurge Domine, he declared that Luther was a “wild boar that had invaded the Lord’s vineyard,” and called Luther to recant his views. Not intimidated at the slightest, Luther burned the bull and was subsequently excommunicated.
Famous sea voyargers like Christoper Columbus and Ferdinand Mallegan were paid to go on these sea voyages to look for untouched land, new trades routes, as well as new foods, animals, or treasures. Columbus was sent out to find a trade route to India in order to buy prices and goods, but found the Americas, which the Spanish later colonized.
Major functions of modern government include (1) foreign diplomacy, (2) military defense, (3) maintenance of domestic order, (4) administration of justice, (5) protection of civil liberties, (6) provision for and regulation of the conduct of periodic elections, (7) provision for public goods and services, (8) promotion of economic growth and development, (9) operation of social- insurance programs to prevent future poverty, and (10) operation of social-welfare programs to alleviate existing poverty.