Sancho and Bolsa, are sent to a restaurant called The Purple Cow, when they get there they are given a table and menus to look at, and told their waitress will be there. While they are waiting Sancho and Bolsa talk amongst themselves and decide who will ask questions about William Morningstar. A waitress named Robin came to take their order and Sancho asked if she knew William. She proceeded to tell the men how she knew William and where he may be hiding out.
I might be stated that Cuba presents a semitropical climate with only two seasons: from May to October, it is the rainy season and from November to April, it is the dry season. In general, the weather is hot, sunny and humid. Temperatures might vary between 21° and 27°. From June to August, it can be very hot (38°) and quite humid .
The climate is sub-tropical.
The weather in Cuba is sub-tropical with great trade winds granting some respite from the heat and moisture. The average year-round heat is approximately 26°C and there's abundance of sunshine.
Los que producen huevos blandos que son puestos en el agua (peces, crustáceos, anfibios...) son depositados sin fecundar, la fecundación se produce cuando el macho vierte su esperma entre los huevos mientras la hembra los deposita (fecundación externa). Estos animales son llamados ovulíparos.
Answer:El chico se despierta alas seis de la manana.Yo me almuerzo a las once y diez cada dia.Mis padres se lavan el carro.Mi hermano y yo nos acostamos hasta medianoche.Tu te cepillas los dientes.Vosotors os banais antes de salir.Mi amigo y yo no lavamos lavamos la ropa.Usted se levanta muy temprano.
I know this is correct because i speak spanish