D) The Lesser Nuthatch, a bird known to be widespread in the forests of the Kamchatka Peninsula, is very similar to the Banded Nuthatch in appearance
All over the world, plants and animals do tend to have similarity among same group. This is part of the reasons why some animals with similar resemblances tends to be classified under same class under the classification of animals. Despite the fact that there is an established point of the nuthatch bird being extinct in the 19th century, the claim that the ornithologist being wrong in sighting the nuthatch could be weaked if the birds happens to be <u>the Lesser Nuthatch.</u>
This could be the fact that<u> Lesser Nuthatch birds is a sub-class in the Nuthatch bird family just as rice and millet being in same grain family under the plants classification (but different under class).</u>
North Atlantic treaty organization
The ocean is deep, it is dark, and it is mysterious.
just take away three periods thenput it in sentence break it up and tell them
this, and, this, and that.
Self motivation
Growing up, I didn't get a lot of parental attention but I was able to handle myself by motivating my own self
"In the first frantic greetings lavished on himself as a noted
sufferer under the overthrown system"
"But should, for his sake, be held blameless in safe custody"
The two details in the text that reveals to the reader that Doctor Manette has a good reputation with members of the Tribunal are first the frantic greetings that was given to him and then the suggestion that for the sake of Doctor Manette, he should be held blameless in safe custody.