the movie inside out.
The charaters in the movie insideout wear clothing associated with the emotional they feel inside , for example ,the character "sadness" , sadness appears to be a small blue glowing character with a blue shirt (blue being associated with sad or tears), sadness the character doesnt even need to have diologue for the audience of the movie to understand that her facial features/clothing is all connected to her emotions or what she is thinking... The same for all other characters such as the character ... if this is an assignment that I could help you with specificaly and you don't understand please reach out to me somehow , snap is kaylee.martin15
The correct answer is the last one: "This passage is ironic because Aunt Julie hopes Hedda's child will bring new life to the Tesman house, but does not know that Hedda's suicide will soon make it a house of death."
In this play by Henrik Ibsen, Miss Tessman saw Hedda as the figure that would continue the family lineage - even talking about "the house of life" - but actually, by committing suicide she is responsible for ending the lineage.
This kind of literary irony is called situational irony, when there is incongruence between expectations of something to happen and what actually happens in the end.