Six presidents survived their assassination attempts:
Andrew Jackson (1829-37), Theodore Roosevelt (1901-09), Franklin Roosevelt (1933-45), Harry Truman (1945-53), Gerald Ford (1974-77), and Ronald Reagan (1981-89).
Han ethnic group in China is an Easter Asian ethnic group and nation. They conform more than a 92% of Chinese population, that is why it is the largest ethnic group (over 1.3 billion people)
This Dynasty dated from 206 and it represented a 19% of the world´s people.
how entertaining it is
Because the American news industry is dependent on advertising revenues to function and make a profit, decisions about news items may depend on how entertaining it is.
Many people who immigrated to the United States during the Gilded Age moved to...
Urban areas, where they worked in factories.
You see, many businesses opened factories in urban areas, creating jobs, so immigrants moved to these areas in order to work for these new companies.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (French: La Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen) is one of the most important papers of the French Revolution. This paper explains a list of rights, such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and separation of powers.