An artist will sometimes create CONCEPTUAL unity by unifying the ideas in a work of art.
According to the Jo-Hari window model, blind spots C.) SOMETHING THAT THE SENDER DOESN'T KNOW BUT THE RECEIVER DOES.
Blind spots are facts known to others but not known to self.
I have to go to the supermarket everyday. I must study more to get a better grade. She must move somewhere else, she doesn't like the town. He must quit cooking classes, he is such a bad cook.
Explanation: Have to expresa principalmente obligaciones generales, mientras que must se utiliza para obligaciones específicas: tengo que cepillarme los dientes dos veces al día. Debo decirte algo. Importante: Para expresar obligación, deber o necesidad en el futuro o en el pasado, no se utilizan must y necesidad.
Mine is hushh by Aviva :)