A predisposition toward trait anxiety such as fear and threat is always affect a person's ability to lead.
while a followers knowledge towards anxiety will define the attitude of such person to work, even if a supervisor attempts to motive him/her.
Leadership is a function that demands competency and stability. To lead therefore will also demand that a person display a positive mental attitude to lead. A situation where one begins to develop trait anxiety which is referred to as a relatively stable disposition from within that is tilted to negative feelings to judge or be threatened by series of environmental factors, such individual’s qualities, skills and emotional stability loses its center of balance and often leads to poor decision making, fear of failure, poor performance and hostile leadership qualities.
On the other hand, when a follower’s knowledge and understanding of anxiety is very poor, it will lead to almost the same traits displaced in the scene above, because the attitude and inner conviction of the person will be at work in all his thought and behaviour. This is to say that whatever form of motivation that is put forward by the supervisor if not focused on combating the cause of such anxiety in the follower will yield no result.
I.) Parliamentary
Head of state is mainly ceremonial.
Chief executive can be forced out by "no confidence" vote.
Chief executive is chosen by the legislature.
Head of state has very long or life term of office.
The executive and legislative branches are jointly controlled by a ruling party or coalition.
II.) Presidential
Checks and balances hold between the executive and the legislative branches.
Chief executive is elected by the people.
Head of state is chief executive.
The US was asserting its control over the Americas and its new dominance in the world.
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The most common outcome of an off-year election is a win by the minority party going into the election.
Turnout is typically lower during off-year elections, and so the general consensus is that the minority party's die hard voters are the most motivated to vote out the people they oppose.