Reichstag was a place, not a belief.
Nationalism could be true of any country. It is the belief of in one's country whether that country is right or wrong. It is perhaps the second best answer.
Humanism is characterized by the belief in individual goodness. That is not exactly what the description wants.
The answer is volksgeist which is of a higher nature than just nationalism and it is a more general term. It means the spirit of a country as defined by the spirit of the country.
To be honest, colonial life sucked. However, it was peaceful, and depending on where you lived, you could depend on your own resources without having to buy anything. In the early colonial days, you probably wouldn't live very long because there were many diseases and dangers in the New World. You would have to work untiringly every day: feed the chickens, milk the cow, tend the garden, and clean the house. However, some people may like this way of life. It's all an opinion.
Advertising a product changed from simply announcing the existence of a product in a dull, dry fashion to persuading the public they needed and deserved to own the product. By developing repeat customers, advertising also helped build brand loyalty for the company.
The Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth Colony and the Province of Maine were incorporated into the Province of Massachusetts Bay, and New York and the Massachusetts Bay Colony were reorganized as royal colonies, with a governor appointed by the king.
In what is sometimes referred to as the "Revolution of 1800", Vice President Thomas Jefferson of the Democratic-Republican Party defeated incumbent President John Adams of the Federalist Party. The election was a political realignment that ushered in a generation of Democratic-Republican leadership.