In 1922, archaeologists discovered the tomb of a pharaoh known as King Tutankhaten (too-tan-KAH-tin), or King Tut.<span> Inside a small burial chamber, they found three coffins nested inside each other.</span><span> The smallest coffin was made of solid gold.</span><span> It held the king's mummy.</span><span> (A mummy is a body that has been preserved after death to keep it from decaying.</span>) On the mummy's head was a magnificent golden mask.<span> Jewelry and good luck charms lay on the mummy and in the wrappings that protected it.</span><span> Other rooms of the tomb were filled with statues, weapons, furniture, and even a chariot.</span>
The treasures in King Tut's tomb provided an amazing glimpse into ancient Egypt.Other pharaohs also left behind fabulous riches and artwork.<span> Many of these pharaohs had great monuments built to celebrate their lives and their accomplishments.</span><span> Like King Tut's tomb, these artifacts have much to teach us about this ancient civilization.</span>
Corporate Bond
A corporate bond is a bond issued by a corporation in order to raise finances for many reasons.
This website, you earn points by answering question, and lose points by asking a question. More points you get, the higher rank you are, You start at beginner, aND the highest is genius. Right now, I'm virtuoso, which you need 500 points
1 . The picture has a man and a spiral of what looks like fire around him. This makes the picture feel warm.
2 . Most of the colors in the picture are reds, fiery oranges, bright yellows, and soft tones of brown. The light is fairly bright and creates a brown-orange mix of colors on the dirt.
3 . The crackling of the fire and the sizzle of sparks on the ground make it sound like a concert of flames.
4 . How did the fire form in that mesmerizing spiral? Where did the fire come from? How did he conjure it?
5 . The image makes me feel a sensation of warm tones and feels, while the man sitting in the middle of it makes me feel slightly anxious, as he could get burned by the fire surrounding him.
6 . Warmness.
(If I understood the last question.)
Hope this helps. :)