according to my parents: no one
may or may not be wrong they didn't really have to worry abt supervision before
Context: Camila Lagos, a photographer for a fashion magazine, describes a normal routine to prepare a photo shoot. When models arrive at the studio to do a photo shoot, we have to take them through a very specific and detailed process. First, we want them to feel comfortable with us and with the objective of the session, which is to present the latest trends in fashion. To be ready, and before the team of stylists fix them, the models normally (6. bathe or bathing) and 7 waxing or waxing) depending on the need. After (8 bathing or bathing), the models (9. put on or put on) a gown and a team of stylists "start (10. prepare or prepare) the (11 for or for) the session, which may take a few hours. Although the models themselves do know (12. fix or groom) their hair well and (13. make-up or make-up) the reason why a team of stylists does it is (14. so that the models are properly groomed and dresses for the session. So, the group of stylists (15. comb or comb their hair) (16. fix or fix their hair and (17. make-up or make-up). Finally, the models (18. dress or dress ) Now you are ready for the photo session
illl answer quickly but not correctly
el pollo me comio todo mi comide entonces le ajd
Simply look up how the word estar is conjugated and you will be able to fill in everything.
1, 4, 6 should be the correct answer