The amswer is a governer of Georgia
COAL; a combustible material that is used as a natural fuel
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING; negotiations between an employer and union representatives concerning wages, hours, and working conditions.
CAUDILLO; the spanish word for military leader.
GUILLOTINE; A death instrument in France consisting of a weighted blade that slides down between two vertical guides and beheads the victim.
COUP D'ETAT; a sudden seizure of government by force.
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
It was a program that brought Mexicans to Washington for farm labor during World War
The Bracero Program was an act between the United States and Mexico that took place during the World War II. With this act, the US and Mexico agreed that Mexican laborers can move in the US because of lack of labor force as lot of men were engaged into the war. The US agreed with Mexico's terms about providing the Mexican laborers with descent living and working conditions, while also guaranteeing a minimal wage of 30 cents per hour.