I believe it runs north & south, to my understanding odd numbers runs N & S,
while even numbers runs E & W.
D. Relative Humidity
Relative Humidity is a measure of how much water vapor is present in the air compared to the amount required for saturation at a specific temperature.
Example: If the relative humidity is 30%, that means that the air contains 30% of the water needed for saturation.
A few examples include the Appalachian Mountains, Rocky Mountains as well as the Great Plains.
1.We have access to space to see it is round
2. We have 24 hour time zones. How could it be noon in one place and midnight in the other?
3.We are able to study lunar eclipses and see how they work (greeks discovered the earth is round with that method.).
4. Why do ships slowly sink into the distance? Exactly
5. Surveying other planets.
e and c I'm pretty sure your welcome