WWII just rolled by and their husbands left them to join the army and become soldiers and the women were targets for sexual abuse, they had to work in factories because the men that used to work in those factories left for the army, the women in these times were treated very poorly.
<u><em>Susan B. Anthony, 1820-1906
<u><em>Alice Paul, 1885-1977
<u><em>Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1815-1902
<u><em>Lucy Stone, 1818-1893
<u><em>Ida B. Wells, 1862-1931
<u><em>Frances E.W. Harper (1825–1911)
<u><em>Mary Church Terrell (1863-1954)
<u><em>Women gained the right to vote in 1920 with the passage of the 19 Amendment. On Election Day in 1920, millions of American women exercised this right for the first time. For almost 100 years, women (and men) had been fighting for women’s suffrage: They had made speeches, signed petitions, marched in parades and argued over and over again that women, like men, deserved all of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. The leaders of this campaign—women like Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone and Ida B. Wells—did not always agree with one another, but each was committed to the enfranchisement of all American women.</em></u>
- The U.S. colonists seceded from Great Britain simply because they did not like the taxes King George had imposed, and the taxes were reasonable. They were simply to make up for the money that was lost while defending the colonists, but they decided to revolt and secede in order to create a government they thought just.
- The natural god given rights is life, liberty, and property. To deny someone the ability to secede would be to deny one his/her right to all three of these rights.
- Entering the union was a voluntary act; therefore it should be legal to leave the union whenever any one state pleases.
<em>(Sorry for such a late and short answer!)</em>