Translated questions by Mimiwhatsup/Answers:
1. In Latin American countries, it's always very hot. (False)
2. A stereotype is something that people think is not always the truth. (True)
3. A example of a stereotype is that Spanish is spoken in Spain. (False)
4. If there's a downpour, that means it's raining little. (True)
5. During a thunderstorm, there are lightning and thunder. (False)
where is the word list? can you please attach a file with the word list? thx
sorry i don't understand that
El pueblo Chinchorro vivía en la costa del desierto de Atacama, en los actuales Perú y Chile. Luego se colocaron pelucas en la cabeza, y dejaron los ojos y la boca abiertos. Entonces, para su nuevo estudio, buscaron pistas sobre los antiguos