The Fugitive Slave Act and the Great Compromise both threatened the future for slavery as they galvanized northern abolitionists.
the United States and the Soviet Union seen eye to eye but only temporarily to split N Korea at the 38th
The G.I. Bill is a law passed in June 1944 in the United States, to provide a legal mechanism that would allow the demobilized soldiers of World War II to access funds for technical or university studies, as well as a pension that would help to their subsistence by one year. This norm also gave the soldiers facilities to get loans to buy homes or start a business on their own.
According to a British army doctor, a cotton plantation should have one slave per two acres, coffee should have two slaves per three acres, and sugar plantations (the worst of the worst) should have one slave per acre
To further encourage western settlement, Congress passed the Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862. It gave state governments millions of acres of western lands, which the states could then sell to raise money for the creation of "land grant" colleges specializing in agriculture and mechanical arts.