There does not appear to be such a specialty in psychology - ego psychology covers studies in the case of identity and childhood and adolescence psychological development are covered by pediatric psychology.
Answer: I gotchu.
The physical change occuring would be the butter melting, because the butter is still butter, but it changed from a solid to a liquid. This is not the chemical change, because you can put melted butter in the fridge and it would be solid again. The chemical change that is occuring would be toasting the bread. This is because when you toast bread, you can't untoast it. It changed, the chemical status of the bread is now toast if that makes sense. The key thing to remember here is that a physical change can be undone whereas a chemical change cannot.
The coach could grade their performance.
Social loafing refers to the fact that a person might not produce much effort when in a group, as opposed when alone. So, these kids know that together they are pretty good, so they don't have to try hard; but when they are alone, they do. In order to prevent this, the coach might want to grade their performance, because then they will try harder.
A group of people who share a similar experience common to all of its members is called a generation.
More about generation:
A generation is the collective term for all individuals who were born and are still alive at around the same period having same experiences. The average time frame, commonly regarded to be between 20 and 30 years, during which children are born, grow up, become adults, and start having children is another way to put it.
In social science, the terms "generation" and "cohort" are sometimes used interchangeably to refer to "individuals within a defined population who experience the same key events over a certain period of time."
These birth cohorts, usually referred to as "social generations," are frequently employed in popular culture and have served as the foundation for sociological study.
Learn more about experience here:
Which national event prompted the creation of the department of homeland security event promoted the creation of the Department of Homeland Security?
The answer is the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks otherwise known as 9/11.
Created in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, DHS has largely focused on federal preparations to deal with terrorism while trying to manage other duties, including border security, customs and emergency management.
Hope this helps, have a good day. c;