Truman didn't tell Stalin that the United States had developed the atomic bomb.
President Bush announced the end of major combat operations, not that the war was over.
Neither President officially said the war was over. And the administration in a bit of cockiness did make a variety of statements about how the war was over (the "mission accomplished" banner, a speech by Rumsfeld, etc.). The Bush administration did not anticipate or plan for any kind of real insurgency and at the time of the invasion, there was no al-Qaeda presence in Iraq so the continued fighting came as a major surprise.
President Obama announced the end of US combat involvement in Iraq. Technically that was true--the SOFA (US status of forces agreement) had expired and the only elements we were allowed to have in Iraq at that point were trainers, security (for US personnel and our embassy) and support (for instance, the Iraqi air force was almost non-existent). But no authorized combat units.
It created the authority to create federal reserve notes.
He's also interested in the Constitution.
Not sure, but robbers most likely focused on Oklahoma due to the poor state of the economy due to failing agriculture. Farmers were unhappy with the high taxes they had to pay, and often looked at bank robbers as heroes. This stood as citizens enabling bank robbers.
Oklahoma was in a very bad economic state after the World War as most of the economy was based on the work of tenant farmers. After the war, less agricultural resources were needing, leading to a failing economy. Many farmers and citizens blamed the failing banks as well as they still required high taxes for farmers. Here's a helpful document I found: