True, presentations can be saved as PDF’s it will come out as separate pages though
XT(extra technology) computer: it cannot support GUI Based operating system. its processing speed is 477MHz
AT(advanced technology):it supports GUI Operating system. Its processing speed is 2GHz
PS/2:is a laptop computer which is rechargeable
and battery powered. it's operated with OS/2 operating system.
Option (A) int expressions are always computed exactly; but float expressions can suffer round-off error.
Round - Off Error can be defined as the digital computers have limitations on denoting the decimal numbers, due to this the floating point numbers have to be rounded off or even it is represented exactly after the calculation on the numbers the resulting number has to be adjusted / rounded off according to the specified precision. The resulted number has to be rounded off back to the required precision, this leads to the round off errors in digital computers. As integers don't need to go through the rounding off in computers, the integer numbers don't have round off errors, only floating point numbers have round off errors. So, options (B) , (C) and (D) are false.
Throughput of X, Y, Z will be 0.081
The network throughput will be 0.243
Throughput of X will be Tx = Px*(1-Py)*(1-Pz)=0.1*0.9*0.9=0.081
Throughput for Y and Z can be calculated in same way.
Throughput of network = Tx+Ty+Tz=0.081+0.081+0.081=0.243