<span>just how much the royalty spent and how the peasants couldn't even buy their bread because how the prices were going up with the seven year war. also the taxes on them.</span>
From this passage you can tell that life for the Indians must have met moving from their homes to said districts which id much diffrent from their past lifestyles. Since they (the Indians) were used to open lands and lots of space forcing them into small lands close to other tribes could lead to several disputes. As for the Americans it is obvious that they want to expand their reach outward across the country into Indian territory which could lead to several disputes among Indians and Settlers.
World War I, which led many to embrace strong nationalistic and anti-immigrant sympathies;
The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which led many to fear that immigrants, particularly from Russia, southern Europe, and eastern Europe, intended to overthrow the United States government;
The end of World War I, which caused production needs to decline and unemployment to rise. Many workers joined labor unions. Labor strikes, including the Boston Police Strike in September 1919, contributed to fears that radicals intended to spark a revolution;
Self-proclaimed anarchists' mailing bombs to prominent Americans, including United States Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and United States Supreme Court Associate Justice (and former Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice) Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Americans were divided by sectionalism and slavery, but they were united by nationalism and an optimistic belief in the possibility of improving themselves and society. These ideas were expressed in and reinforced by American art and literature.