you will end up with 24 chromosomes instead of the standard 23 and have down syndrome
What's being asked here? I'm personally not sure
Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Afferent, Efferent, Somatic, Visceral, Sensory Division, Motor Division, Sensory, Motor, Body, Organs within the ventral body cavity
There are many, many answers to this question. You can find the one you need above. Hope it helps!
One affect could be a loss of habitat for the animals that lived in that forest
Whales are related back to a hairy, 4-legged land mammal that eventually led to the formation of flippers without phalanges, a blow hole that became more dorsal, and other defining features. All of this has been backed by fossil evidence, especially that found within a certain desert region (can’t remember the name) that has a vast amount of whale fossils from many different time periods