Gibbons are primates that are endemic to the forests of Southeast Asia. They are characterized by their amazing ability to swing through trees, a behavior known as branching, reason behing their common nickname of "acrobats" as they can swing for 35 miles an hour!
Their diet is composed mainly by fruits but they also feed from insects and leaves. Gibbons, as other primates, are very social animals and are highly territorial. They defend their territories mainly by vocalizations. Both males and males, and sometimes a whole family, will emit long and loud songs that are suggested to be specific from each individual to defend their territory.
In addition, gibbons are monogamous and raise and take good care of the offpsring.
habituationHabituation is a mental learning process in infants wherein repeated exposure to a stimulus results in a decreased response to it. In this example, after Melanie presented the infants with the same red light repeatedly, they became "habituated" or familiar with it, after which they lost interest in observing it. Melanie then proceeds to investigate if the infants instead turn their attention to a different colored light (a new stimulus).
At noon on December 31, 1999.
Answer: Symbols
Symbols refers to signs or image that have a meaning or passing an information.
We need to study history to learn about the past and how it now impacted our life’s in many different ways!