Possibly Virginia and Kentucky?
Islam influenced by Christians believes.
Islam was influenced by the believes and teachings of Judeo-Christian. Christian introduced Greek teachings and learning which allowed the Islam Empire to flourish with knowledge. Christians introduced Muslims to learning Greek philosophers which were later translated into Arabic. Many of the beliefs of Judeo-Christian like religious outlook, structure, jurisprudence and practice were taken.
Generally speaking, the Cold War rivalry directly influenced all of the following except "religion," since this was mainly a conflict over differing ideologies--specifically capitalism and communism.
The great army of the West, commanded by General William T. Sherman, enters Savannah, Georgia, at Christmas of 1864. They have just come on their march to the sea, starting out in Atlanta. They have marched through the heart of Georgia... They have destroyed everything in their path that could be of use to the Confederacy: railroad tracks, they have burned plantations. They have liberated tens of thousands of slaves, enforcing the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln... Sherman says when he starts out on the march, "I can make Georgia howl." He's bringing the war to the civilian population. He doesn't kill civilians. He doesn't attack them, but he destroys property; he destroys their livelihoods and he liberates their slaves.
He's trying to demonstrate that the South has no power that can prevent the North from prevailing in this war. If he can march right through the heart of one of the most important Southern states without any opposition even, wreaking devastation and liberating the slaves... And for generations afterward, the name Sherman will be a byword for cruelty in the minds of white Southerners and white Georgians who experience this.
The new world builds an inter dependent global economic system by each continent relied on the other continents to thrive. For example, are europe, africa and america in new system which: Europe played a distinctive role in markets, capital, and technology. Africa played a distinctive role in labor and america played a distinctive role in raw materials which includes metal and soil for sugar cane.