The point of the cold war was to see what nation could prove to have better technology.
Answer- the arms race was so important because it helped fuel the cold war the cold war was based off the arms race because nations were simultaneously producing technology better than eachother or trying to prove to eachother that if another country could do it so could they. The cold war was a fight between the U.S and the soviet union proving eachothers nuclear power trying to threaten eachother. Both nations were stockpiling weapons, and spending billions to show their technological advancement in nuclear weapons.
You can move things around to make it more simple or straightforward but thats about it
Driving Force Behind European Imperialism in Africa
Scramble for Africa</h2>
Everybody was taking the Africans land and resources and them. The European’s flurry of colonizing Africa.
It is important to WG because it was wrong and started a lot of trading slaves.
National Pride</h2>
When you think your type of skin and where you came from is the best.
It is important to WG because it started wars and taking of slaves.
Technology and Imperialism</h2>
White men had guns so they took land and slaves.
It is important to WG because White Men took human beings from their homes. How would you like it if they came in your home and took your family.
<h2>Resources and Imperialism</h2>
The White Men didn’t just take the Africans they took there resources.
It is important to WG because it left nothing of Africa.
<h2>trans-Atlantic slave trade</h2>
– Existed in Africa before the coming of the Europeans
It is important to WG because there was trading before the Europeans came.
The United States used the sinking as propaganda to get the country on board for war
laws can be unconstitutional