->roci sedimentare , de exemmplu : nisip , pietris, argila
->sunt foarte frecvente alunecarile de teren in aceste zone
->sunt format in era neozoic
->Depres. col a Trans: -> are inaltimi > 100 m
-> Pod. Moldoveni -> inaltimi foarte foarte mici
-> Depres. col a Trans ->exista domuri cu metan [CH4]
-> Pod. Moldovei -> nu exista domuri
->Depres.col a Trans-> are depresiuni in munti
->Pod. Moldoveni -> nu are depresiuni , e neted
1.weathered materials from rocks and transported to the beach through wind and rivers
2.from rocks weathering and eroding over thousands and millions of years.
Change the pressure and/or the temperature of the gas.
The physical map shows physical features, such as lakes, rivers, mountain ranges, deserts, etc. Political maps show countries and capitals, along with their borders.