B. eustress
noun: eustress; plural noun: eustresses
moderate or normal psychological stress interpreted as being beneficial for the experiencer.
The beach. The light breeze, the warm sun and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Clear blue skies and cream-colored sand, when I’m there, I can just feel all my anxiety escaping my body and the doubts in my head vanish. Even if I’m lying down on a sunbed, it calms my mind. Its almost as if you can smell the heat from the rays of sun, and the air is so clear and pure. All I can feel is myself in a melting into this world of tranquility and peace, where everything is calm.
Popular poetry types include haiku, free verse, sonnets, and acrostic poems
This article seems to be about being indigenous/a minority in America and feeling left out. its all about social identity
Phineas Flynn collected marbles
it can be a sentence by itself