four men stepped out when the helicopter landed
Answer and Explanation:
F. Scott Fitzgerald uses the characters to show how dreaming about something changes the entire psychological and emotional construction of an individual, leading him to the despair that makes him do anything to achieve that dream, even something immoral and improper. This is clear in Gatsby, who through his dream of social ascension, ends up taking very immoral attitudes, these attitudes are reinforced by his dream of being with Daisy. This quest for ascension and achievement becomes more and more desperate, because it seems increasingly distant, even though Gatsby has already achieved most of his goals. F. Scott Fitzgerald shows how uncontrolled despair, guided by desire, can cause tragedies and irreparable losses, as happened with Gatsby, who so much pursued his goals in non-commendable ways, had a sad and undesirable ending.
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Making a pro CSGO team; This increases my pride because I can brag to my friends. For example, "Get Rekt, you noobs I'm on the FaZe CSGO team with FaZe fox.". It also increases my status as a person as I am in the media a considerable amount more than an average person. I also get paid for doing something I love such as playing CSGO and video games in general. What really increases my pride is being able to make it to such a prestigious team such as FaZe and being able to be so good at something I can do it professionally and get paid for it.
I feel that the above mentioned topic sentence is a good topic sentence because it includes the author's opinion and a limited topic that tells the readers what the text is going to be about without outright telling them.
(For the second post, I think you're supposed to finish the topic sentence's paragraph.)