The animals were different because there were things the animals need to adapt to in the Galapagos that may have changed their appearance. for example a bird may have a different shaped beak because they started to evolve so they could eat foods that were available to them on the island
The labia are two folds of the skin that meet above the vaginal opening. The inner fold (inner lip of the vagina) is known as labia minora, and the outer fold (outer lip of the vagina) is known as labia majora.
Density-independent regulation
It is given that before the arrival of hurricane, the population of mice has stabilized.
This means the rate of birth and deaths are approximately equal.
But as the hurricane came, it disrupted this balance and would have led to a change in both the birth and death rates. This is termed as Density-independent regulation as abiotic factors and environmental factors have affected the birth and death rates