Every year, the Federal Reserve conducts a massive survey of American households to paint a portrait of their economic habits and spirits. The recently published findings for 2017 are worth examining for what they say about who should — and shouldn't — get credit for the resilient U.S. economy.
There is nothing unusual about this. When the economy does well, presidents of both parties routinely brag about the results. Trump did just that last week with the latest jobs report. But as I — and many other commentators — have written, the $20 trillion economy is simply too big and complicated to be easily manipulated for partisan advantage.
They gave soldiers better advantage at defeating the enemy and defending the country.
Examples Include:
Technological advances such as Airplanes
George Washington's primary goal as commander-in-chief of the continental Army was to avoid decisive military losses.
Answer: The Star Spangled Banner
Explanation: The Star Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott key on September 14 1814.
1) Nationalism
2)Assasination of Ferdinand