Hesiod claimed, the word Titan means "Strainer", because they strained and performed some presumptuous, fearful deed and the vengeance would come after it. Where the Olympians lived in Olympus, the home of the Titans was Othrys, their stronghold.
The exact number of the Titans varied from author to author, and they often included some of the children of the Titans. So there are at least two generations of Titans can be considered.
For a generation, the Titans shared the world and created mankind, with Cronus as their leader. Although a number of the male Titans were imprisoned in Tartarus, when they chose to fight a war against the younger gods, known as the Olympians.
According to the Orphic myth, Zeus destroyed the Titans with his thunderbolts, because the Titans had murdered and devoured his son Zagreus (Dionysus). From the smouldering ashes, mankind were created.
(just a note it might me useless information)
i would say the only conservative on the list,
Ronald Reagan
Answer: This sense of being marginal or alien in one’s own country of birth was brought to the fore in a jarring way immediately after the Paris attacks, when French President François Hollande asked for additional powers to combat terrorism including some that clearly encroach on civil liberties, such as revoking the French nationality of dual citizens, even those born in France if they are convicted of committing acts of terrorism.
The posters published during World War 1 were part of a campaign to encourage the American public to join the European war. The U.S joined the war pack when Congress declared war on Germany. Posters were designed and illustrated by people in fine art galleries, put on sides of buildings and workplaces with messages asking the Americans to join the war. These advertisements became a tool to create propaganda to shape American mutility about Europe and how U.S ethnic background its in the larger United American cultural identity.