a defendant has the right to say nothing at all - the burden of proof is totally with the prosecution
Well, its a place where it doesn't get much water, really dry
In the Holocaust, they burned them in incinerators and mass pits. The survivors talk about the horrific black smoke that came out of the chimes and the smell of burning bodies. Horrible really.
Harlem is a large neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan. It is also known under the name of <em>Black Mecca</em>. It is a major African American residential, cultural and businesses centre.
It was originally settled by the Dutch in 1658 and remained undeveloped territory for almost 200 years. It is named after the city of Haarlem in the Netherlands.
As New York's population grew, Harlem developed. Big urban progress was noted around 1880 when elevated railway lines were extended in that direction and many apartments buildings erected. Due to some unrealistic expectation many housing estates remained vacant and a major part of New York's black population were relocated there.
During 1920's, Harlem flourished with artistic and cultural expression and this period earned Harlem the distinction of <em>' Harlem Renaissance</em>'. Many artists wanted to show the black culture and its achievements to the world. They were proud of their African heritage. This outpouring of artistic work was unprecedented in the American -black community.