the wekend escuchalo te recomiendo star boy
<span>I recall this assignment your answer would be:
Jorge is mas serio que los otras chicas. Alicia es la mas mayor de todos. Lisa es mas baja que Alicia. Irene es mas baja que Jorge.</span>
I cant answer if i cant hear the audio
Hola Alex, por favor no te preocupes por mis padres. Son sobreprotectores conmigo y no me dejan salir contigo. Les aseguro que me comporto bien y no causaré problemas a nadie. Si puede persuadirlos, tal vez cambien de opinión.
Hello Alex please don't mind my parents. They are overprotective of me and they don't let me go out with you. I reassure them that I behave well and will not cause any trouble to anyone. If you can persuade them, maybe they might change their minds.