I think the answer is "all of above"
Answer: For science in tech it is, New science and technology offers breakthroughs in life times and children's lifetimes too that may significantly impact the planet within which people live. it's believed that scientific discovery and technological innovations in life science are able to cure cancer, HIV-AIDS and other life threatening diseases. As for it by it's self it is Science is vital because it influences most aspects of way of life, including food, energy, medicine, transportation, leisure activities and more. Science improves human life at every level, from individual comfort to global issues. ... Science also has the flexibility to comfort its adherents and promote good behavior.
So i could say in short it is important for almost everything in life.
Answer: A language Generator is a device that can be used to create the sentences of a language
Açaí is a fruit from the amazon rainforest. It has a bunch of antioxidants and helps the digestive process. It is about an inch long, red-purple color. They taste like a cross between a blackberry and chocolate. Durian is another fruit. It is spiky on the outside and soft and custard like on the inside. It smells terrible, but it supposedly tastes sweet and custardy. It has some hints of caramel and vanilla too. Jackfruit is another fruit. It is high in vitamin A. It is sweet, and tastes like apples and bananas mixed together.
Yea im done but hopefully this can help a little