This is definitely a person becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen who is taking the Oath of Allegiance.
<u>Renaissance definition:</u>
- <em>"the revival of art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th–16th centuries"</em>
- <em>"a revival of or renewed interest in something renaissance.</em>
I would not call the tech of today a renaissance because the renaissance was something ancient from about 60 centuries before we were born and I believe that simply thinking that technology or iPhones or an iPad could be called a reaissance, is an insult to the people of the Middle Ages.
Because it's the way of the road.
<span>When quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded at a given price</span>
<u>Life Out West:</u>
A period in which the American population wanted to fulfill expansion especially to the Western region of the United States.
- <u>Gold Rush:</u> Due to gold's discovery, the frenzy to find gold ended up in violent conflicts to gain access over natural resources and land.
- <u>White Settlers:</u> The settlers sought a land to farm and mine to increase their economic status.
- <u>Native Americans:</u> Viewed the land as sacred and didn't desire it to be corrupted by conflicts.
- <u>Cattle Ranchers:</u> Settled extensively in the land, in search of fertile soil to raise their livestock.
- <u>Town Development:</u> The towns nearby mines were the most developed and their status increased through the men eager to spend their incomes on saloons and brothels.