El feudalismo fue una combinacion de costumbres legales, economicas, militares y culturales que florecion en la Europa medieval entre los siglos IX y XV
The South Sudanese authorities have allowed impunity to flourish over serious human rights violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed since brutal conflict broke out in December 2013, prosecuting only one case, Amnesty International said in a new report today. “ Do you think we will prosecute ourselves: No prospects for accountability in South Sudan ” reveals a justice system that is crippled by a lack of independence.
The Carbonari (charcoal burners) were groups of secret revolutionary societies founded in early 19th-century Italy. The Italian Carbonari may have further influenced other revolutionary groups in Spain, France, Portugal and possibly Russia
The Truman Doctrine was an American foreign policy that wanted to counter Soviet Geopolitical expansion during the Cold War
The Second Congo War began in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in August 1998, little ... Ultimately, nine African countries and around twenty-five armed groups ... the country, which he renamed the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) ... On 18 January 1999, Rwanda, Uganda, Angola, Namibia and Zimbabwe ...