A. The commander in chief role deals only with the military, while the chief executive role is broader.
• President, usually, is the designation used to identify the person leading a meeting, a work session or an assembly. Currently, the term "isolated" refers to the public official, elected for a specific period, who holds the executive power of a State or a region.
• The supreme authority of a State is called as head of State. It is who represents the unity of a country and its continuity before the State itself and internationally. It is said, therefore, that he is the representative and responsible of the country before the people and the world. The specific functions of the heads of state vary according to the political system of each State.
• The head of government is the person who exercises the direction of the executive power and is responsible for the Government of a State or a territorial subdivision of this (state, province, or other). The process of electing heads of government varies according to the country and depends, among other factors, on the form of government used in that country.