The person that stands at the front desk is the administrative
Babur (1483-1530) was a conqueror and warrior and he founded the Mughal Empire in India. Babur was a descendant from the famous Turkic conqueror Timur The Lame. On his mother´s side, his family line descended from Gengis Khan. His first conquests as emir of Ferghana were made in Central Asia, including Samarkand in today´s Uzbekistan, but he lost them because of power intrigues and betrayals. However, his great chance came in India, where he coveted the Delhi Sultanate. He defeated the army of sultan Ibrahim Lodi and took his throne in 1526. This is the beginning of the Mughal Empire.
narcotráfico, guerrilla y conflicto paramilitar, débil vigilancia y regulación de las instituciones, intimidación y hostigamiento de denunciantes, y una apatía generalizada de la sociedad para abordar los comportamientos poco éticos.
Drug trafficking, guerrilla and paramilitary conflict, weak surveillance and regulation from institutions, intimidation and harassment of whistle-blowers, and a widespread apathy from society to address unethical behavior.