One of the main reasons, I think, that they revolted was because the British had put a lot of taxes on the goods of the American colonists. One of the big things they taxed was tea. I think that if the British would have gone lighter on the taxes, especially the tea ones, the movement might have not happened.
Tea was a big thing at the time so obviously if they had to pay taxes for something they truly loved, it would make them upset.
I hope this helps, I’m not sure exactly when the question you’re asking is about but I tried :)
Sahelanthropus, Orrorin, Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, and Paranthropus are just a few of the genera that exhibit postcranial transformation and canine reduction throughout the first four million years or so of hominid evolution. There is a concurrent change in the hominid fossil record as the Pliocene epoch came to an end and the world climate was changing about 2.5 million years ago. Something novel arose in this setting, both physically and behaviorally, as it became cooler. The genus Homo originated from this.
The commencement of the transition from primordial, large-brained, stone tool-making, meat-eating apes that spread out across the globe to the species Homo's beginnings in Africa is marked by this change. Three species, Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, and Homo erectus, are considered to be the earliest members of the human genus. It is well known that H. habilis was the first species to produce stone tools and that it still possesses basic characteristics that connect it to australopiths. Aside from the fact that H. rudolfensis shared both time and space with other early Homo and had a larger brain and set of teeth than H. habilis, little is known about this species. Thanks to its extensive fossil record, we now have a better grasp of the paleobiology and evolution of the more complex H. erectus. With a physique designed for contemporary striding locomotion, H. erectus was the first fully committed, obligate biped to emerge outside of Africa. It was also the first member of the human ancestry to leave Africa. The first Homo species are the ones who tipped our evolutionary history's scales away from the more ape-like direction and toward the more human one.
To know more about Australopithecus
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