Women's participation in u.s. athletic programs increased after the introduction of title ix
In colonial New England, King Philip's War begins when a band of Wampanoag warriors raid the border settlement of Swansea, Massachusetts, and massacre the English colonists there. ... In early 1676, the Narragansett were defeated and their chief killed, while the Wampanoag and their other allies were gradually subdued.
in the answer
C. limit their protectionism policies.
All of the above!
Evidence of Stone Age cultures dating back 100,000 years has been found, and it is thought that the San people, now living mostly in the Kalahari Desert, are the descendants of Zimbabwe's original inhabitants. The remains of iron working cultures that date back to AD 300 have been discovered. Little is known of the early iron workers, but it is believed that they were farmers, herdsmen, and hunters who lived in small groups. They put pressure on the San by gradually taking over the land. With the arrival of the Bantu-speaking Shona from the north between the 10th and 11th centuries AD , the San were driven out or killed, and the early iron workers were incorporated into the invading groups. The Shona gradually developed gold and ivory trade with the coast, and by the mid-15th century had established a strong empire, with its capital at the ancient city of Zimbabwe. This empire, known as Munhumutapa, split by the end of the century, the southern part becoming the Urozwi Empire, which flourished for two centuries.
C. He supported the idea of a UN-run war in Serbia to bring peace to the area" is the best possible option, but he also negotiated with the Russians, although minimally.