C. Citizen participation is the key to building better communities and governments.
O And.
Transition words are those words that act as the "glue" to connect ideas in a sentence or indicate the words or phrases that are connected for a better understanding of the readers. They are words such as "and", "again", "so" "but" etc.
In the given passage, there are several transition words used. But the one transition word that is used to indicate that additional information is being added is the use of the word "and".
Thus, the correct answer is "and".
In this passage, almost nothing. I suppose because at 41 he was hale and healthy until he took a job on a railway babysitting a box of guns on a 200 mile rail journey, he lost his health. But to conclude much more is a travesty and the answer should not be anything.
So you should probably choose B. He is hale and hardy because (it is inferred ) he has avoided marriage.
Apple trees are growing in the poem