True. If you are in a trench, you are literally sitting in a hole in the dirt for hours on end; sometimes keeping watch, sometimes in the heat of battle. If you get injured, there are tons of diseases in the dirt and from humans just sitting in that hole for large amounts of time, usually without showering for days or weeks (depending on where you are and the resources available). Injury, you could get shot in the shoulder while firing, or someone could throw an active grenade into the trench and, well, it wouldn't end well. Mud-- you're sitting in a hole, in the dirt. If it rains, you are now sitting in a wet hole in the dirt, and dedication to your country--or flying bullets--is keeping you there.
Global warming might cause rising sea levels and severe drought. ... (Also discuss whether power should remain with individual countries or be placed in an all-European government.) Think about the physical and human geography of Europe.
A- larger with more moons. For example Venus has no moons, whereas Jupiter has 63, and Jupiter is 11.8 times bigger than Venus
Estados Unidos ha sido históricamente uno de los principales países receptores de migrantes de todas partes del mundo. Así, miles de ciudadanos de naciones europeas, asiáticas, africanas y latinoamericanas eligieron América como su nuevo hogar a lo largo de la historia.
Ahora bien, desde mediados del siglo 20 comenzó una tendencia migratoria muy marcada proveniente de países centroamericanos (desde México hasta Nicaragua, incluyendo países caribeños como Cuba) que, en general, tienen altas tasas de pobreza y desempleo, sumados a problemas estructurales como narcotráfico, corrupción, pandillas y violencia institucional.
Así, millones de ciudadanos de estas naciones han comenzado a llegar a América tanto legal como ilegalmente, aumentando el porcentaje de habitantes latinos de la nación.